Holy Baptism at St. Paul’s

Baptism is the entry rite to the New Covenant God made with humanity through the Person and Work of Jesus Christ.

Our Beliefs About Baptism

  • Baptism is one of seven Sacraments. Sacraments are outward, visible signs of inward, spiritual grace.

  • The outward, visible sign of Baptism is water and the formula “I baptize thee In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

  • The inward, spiritual grace of Baptism is new life in Christ! Baptism transposes us from the line of Adam into the line of Christ (Rom 5:12-21).

  • Much like circumcision in the Old Covenant, Baptism is an entry rite. It makes us part of the family of God (“We receive this Person into the congregation of Christ’s flock”; BCP 280).

  • When we are baptized, we experience the remission of sins, actual and original.

  • Baptism gives us the positive grace necessary to pursue holiness and the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.

Our Policy on baptism

Can I be baptized?

  • Any unbaptized person is eligible to receive the Sacrament of Baptism.

  • For a baby or infant, it is good to have sponsors, also called Godparents.

    • The ideal is that male children should have two Godfathers and one Godmother. Female children should have two Godmothers and one Godfather. Parents can be admitted as sponsors.

    • Being a Godparent is a serious responsibility in which you pledge to help educate the child in the Christian faith and bring them to the Bishop when they are old enough for Confirmation. This is not a responsibility that should be taken on lightly. As a result, Godparents must be baptized Christians.

  • To be baptized as an adult, one must be prepared to assent to the essential truths of the Christian faith and to pledge to follow God’s will and commandments as found on pages 277-278 of the Book of Common Prayer.

How should I prepare to be baptized?

  • Meet with Fr. Wesley or Fr. David to talk about Baptism and what it entails.

  • Fill out the application for Baptism and submit it to Fr. Wesley (wwalker@stpaulscrownsville.com):

  • Submit the application:

    • Mail: P.O. Box 380, Crownsville, MD 21032

    • Email: Fr. Wesley at wwalker@stpaulscrownsville.com

What does the baptism liturgy look like?

  • At St. Paul’s, we do the Baptism at the beginning of the service in the back of the nave. This is to symbolize the fact that the baptized person is entering into the Church.

  • We do Baptism by thrice pouring the water on the baptized person’s head.

When can I receive the sacrament of baptism at St. Paul’s?

  • Any time!

  • Most people prefer to be baptized at one of our three Sunday services: 8a, 9:30a, or 11a.

  • It is also common for people to choose to be baptized on Saturdays.

  • In the event of an emergency, Fr. Wesley or Fr. David can perform the baptism wherever the person is who needs to be baptized.

Baptism Inquiry Form