Opportunities to Serve

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at St. Paul's holds a special and sacred responsibility in maintaining the beauty and reverence of our worship space. With meticulous care and attention to detail, the Altar Guild prepares the altar and sanctuary for all services, ensuring that everything is in its proper place and that the sacred vessels are clean and polished. They create a welcoming and spiritually uplifting atmosphere for all who enter our church, allowing parishioners and visitors alike to focus on prayer and contemplation without distraction. The Altar Guild's dedication to their ministry is a vital part of our church's worship life, and we are deeply grateful for their service.


The Hospitality Committee at St. Paul's Anglican Church plays a vital role in fostering a warm and welcoming environment for all who enter our doors. With a focus on creating a sense of community and belonging, the committee organizes and hosts various social events and gatherings throughout the year. The Hospitality Committee's dedication to extending hospitality is a true reflection of Christ's love, making St. Paul's a place where all feel valued and connected.


The Choir at St. Paul's Anglican Church plays an essential role in enhancing the worship experience for our congregation. Through their dedication to musical excellence and spiritual expression, the choir leads the congregation in song, offering praise and thanksgiving to God. They enrich our liturgies with beautiful harmonies, inspiring moments of reflection and joy. The choir's commitment to their ministry is a gift to our church community, as they uplift our spirits and draw us closer to God through the power of music.