2022 Lenten Appeal

You can find the original 2022 Lenten Appeal here.

From the Presiding Bishop:

Having dedicated our Lenten Appeal efforts on our domestic missions during these past several years we are once again shifting our focus to our foreign missions and their needs.

Our effort this year will be to collect funds for the construction of churches in both the Philippines and Haiti. Both countries have an overarching Roman Catholic ethos and the presence of a permanent building is viewed as a sign of the seriousness of the Church’s efforts in those parts. While we have managed in the past holding services under a large mango tree in the Philippines or in the courtyard of the school or converted classrooms in Haiti, the churches in both of these places now have land, both donated and purchased, on which proper churches can be built.

There are currently two churches that have been completed and a third one under construction in the Philippines and the potential for still three more, and there are two properties that we currently own in Haiti. The goal for this year’s Lenten Appeal is to raise sufficient funds to complete the construction of five new churches (three in the Philippines and two in Haiti). Our Goal as in previous years is $100,000, which will be divided proportionally between the two places. Our churches, unlike the Roman Catholic placement of churches, will be in the local communities where the people live and will not require them to travel great distances on Sundays in order to participate in weekly worship services. The presence of these churches will change the lives of many in these communities and provide tremendous opportunities for evangelism and the growth of God’s kingdom. At least one of the churches in the Philippines will be constructed in a community of one of the unreached indigenous groups on the island of Mindoro.

I am asking each individual within our churches to make a Lenten offering of $1.50 per day for the 40 days of Lent (a total of $60 per person), or more as our Lord leads you. We will need one hundred percent participation in order to achieve this goal. Please make this a family project for Lent. Your generous gifts will enable God’s kingdom to grow and expand in both these countries and help to provide eternal hope to people who are in extreme poverty and hardship.

Please pray every day during Lent that God will use our offering to show His great mercy on the people of the Philippines and Haiti.

Checks should be made payable to your local church with a notation in the memo field “APA Lenten Appeal 2022.” I ask each church treasurer to combine the monies and send one church check to the APA Treasurer (Mr. Dan Wilder, Wilder Accounting, 3208 W State Rd 426, Ste 2060, Oviedo, FL 32765) with the designation “APA Lenten Appeal 2022.”

Please make your Lenten Offering by April 24 if possible.

In Christ,
The Most Rev. Chandler Holder Jones, SSC, Presiding Bishop


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