REMINDER: Annual Meeting: April 24, 2022

Hello Everyone,

Our annual Parish meeting will be April 24 immediately following the 10:00 am service. There will only be one service that Sunday.

In addition to the regular Rector, financial and committee reports, we will be voting on a proposed By-Law change. Please review the attached document which includes the current By-Law, the proposed change, and the reasons the Vestry is proposing this change. If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed change, please speak to Fr. Wes, Cathy Gates or any other Vestry member. It is important for everyone to attend the meeting to vote on the proposed change.

The meeting will be followed by one of our scrumptious pot lucks! Be sure to stay for the good food and fellowship. A sign-up sheet is on the sign-up board outside the nursery. Let us know what you're bringing and how many people are coming with you.

Cathy Gates
Senior Warden

h) 410-672-7597
c) 443-928-2980


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