The Scholarship Fund is Accepting Donations
Greetings, members of St Paul’s.
It’s that time of year again. One of my favorite programs here at St Paul’s is our presentation of scholarships to aspiring students. And once again, the Scholarship Committee is making a special plea for donations to the Scholarship Fund. Our first presentations were for $800 per student and, each year, your generosity has allowed us to increase that amount, up to $1500 last year. Our coffers are low right now and we would very much like to award at least that amount again this year. All applicants who meet the qualifications will receive an award. The amount will be the total in the fund divided by the number of qualified applicants. We do not try to carry over any large amount in the fund from year to year. Your generosity in the past has been amazing and the committee thanks you for that. Donation envelopes are in the pews and the back of the church as well as in the administrative office.
This year, applications are due on July 21st and presentations will be made on Sunday, August 4th. Applicants must be a member of the congregation or immediate family member, have a “B” average for their last completed semester, be actively involved in volunteer work for their community, and have a letter of recommendation from their pastor at whatever church they regularly attend. Again I remind you that application forms are available in the back of the church and in the administrative office.
Please feel free to contact me or Fr Wes if you have any questions. Thanks again for your support and may God bless us all.
-Henry Riser, Chair of the Scholarship Committee