What To Expect

Liturgical Worship

Liturgy is more than just a set of rituals; it is a sacred conversation with God that has been shaped over centuries. Through shared prayers, readings, and responses, we connect with the rich history of our faith and find our place in the larger story of God's people. The liturgy invites us to engage all our senses in worship, from the spoken word to the beauty of music and visual symbols. By participating fully in the liturgy, we open ourselves to God's transforming grace and deepen our relationship with God. We provide bulletins that help you follow along better at every service.

The Eucharist

The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is the central act of worship in our church because it is a sacred meal where we encounter Christ's real presence and receive spiritual nourishment, forgiveness of sins, and unity with Christ and one another. The Eucharist makes Christ's sacrifice on the cross present to us and gives us his promise of eternal life. By sharing in this holy meal, we are strengthened for our journey of faith and empowered to live out Christ's love in the world.

Reverence, Wonder, and Awe

Our liturgical and sacramental worship is designed to evoke a sense of reverence, wonder, and awe as we encounter the mystery of God's presence. Through the beauty of music, the symbolism of rituals, and the power of shared prayer, we are drawn into our relationship with God. Our worship invites us to step outside the ordinary and enter into the heavenly worship of angels, archangels, and all the company of heaven. In this atmosphere of reverence and awe, we open ourselves to the transformative power of God's grace and find renewal for our souls.


At St. Paul's, we believe that faith is not just a personal journey but also a shared experience. We are a community of believers who support, encourage, and challenge one another to grow in our relationship with God. We invite you to become part of our vibrant community and connect with others who share your faith. After each of our Sunday services,we gather for coffee hour in the parish hall. It's a great opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and build lasting relationships.