The Rector’s Welcome
Rev. Wesley Walker
Greetings on behalf of St. Paul’s Anglican Church! St. Paul’s is a wonderful, multi-generational church full of loving people, a welcoming atmosphere, and beautiful worship. There are no requirements or prerequisites for attendance. We invite you to join us, whether you have been a lifelong Anglican, a Christian interested in exploring the historic faith in a liturgical tradition, or are searching either for a church home or the kind of peace we can only receive from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Anglicanism is a beautiful Christian tradition based on the Scriptures, the received Tradition of the Church, and the Sacraments. We believe that worship should be permeated by the “beauty of holiness.” What we do together in our liturgies should be a template for how we live: “that we may show forth your praise not only with our lips but in our lives.” The Anglican Church became a distinct entity during the English Reformation but our worship and practices were designed to be a middle path between the traditional Roman Catholic faith and Protestant denominations.
At St. Paul’s our worship is primarily guided by the 1928 Book of Common Prayer. Rather than creating “new and exciting ways” to salvation, we preach “the faith as it was once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). In order for us to move forward as the Church, we have to look backwards—to the Scriptures and the teachings of the Church.
The membership at St. Paul’s is diverse and vibrant, coming from all sorts of backgrounds and experiences. Some were lifelong Christians, while many others were seekers looking for guidance without realizing who they were seeking.
As Jesus invites those who would be his disciples in John 1:39, “Come and see.” Come join us for worship, for Bible study, or for one of our social events and see how God is at work in our community through the proclamation of the Gospel, administration of the Sacraments, and the pursuit of holiness. You will be welcomed with the love of Jesus Christ. There is a place for you here!
God bless you!
Fr. Wesley